During the AGM David Llewellyn, AVA Chief Executive, spoke about the new AVA updates, the election of the new AVA board members and the importance of lobbying for the industry. The AVA’s financial accounts and savings through relocation, new staff were discussed by Roger Williams, the AVA treasurer.
Following on Adrian Pratt, Vice Chairman of the Paper Cup Recovery and Recycling Group (PCRRG) and Chair of the AVA Cup Committee, gave an update on hot topics in the vending industry; the impact of the potential ‘latte levy’ being reintroduced again; the UK recycling abilities becoming more accessible; and the debate over compostable packing as he states that “recycles cups have a better environmental performance compared to composting”. He cautioned the industry needs to understand these issues and obstacles that we will face, and that action needs to be taken on the lobbying for the future of vending.