Selecting Equipment Information

When it comes to choosing your equipment, you need to take account of the following:

  • The number of people using the machine and during what hours?
  • What products they will want?
  • How much those using the machine would be willing to pay?
  • If there would be long periods of time that the machine would not be in use (for example in school holidays)?
  • What other sources of supply may be available locally? What do those venues charge and what do they offer?
  • Where the machine will be located? Will it be readily accessible to all who would want to use it?
  • Is there a convenient supply of electricity?
  • Is there a convenient supply of drinking water (if required)?
  • How do you want users to pay – by cash, token or card? Or will you provide products free at the point of delivery?
  • What is your budget?

New or used?

Whether new, refurbished or remanufactured, machines offered for sale, lease or otherwise should be safe, hygienic, reliable and fit for purpose.

You will have the option to choose new or used machines. If you decide on the used, there are two options:

  • Refurbished:  These are used vending machines where the design and function remain materially unchanged from the original manufacturer’s specification. Any refurbishment work undertaken is in accordance with the AVA Code of Practice.
  • Remanufactured:  Any used vending machine where the original design or function has been significantly altered.

What to offer?

There is a wide choice of products from both specialist vending ingredient suppliers to major international brands. Find out more with our Member Finder
