The Modern Slavery Act 2015 Access benefits Training AVA business support service Advice Guidance notes Water Food safety Installation Payment systems Technical expert Technical newsletters Policy & legislation Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): AVA member’s guide – August 2023 Disability Act 1995 & Equality Act 2010 Brexit Vending – lower sugar, salt, fat and calorie products Vending in hospitals The Modern Slavery Act 2015 Lobbying November 2024: Scotland – Charging for single-use disposable beverage cups: consultation September 2024: Proposals to make the food environment in Wales healthier – Consultation and Call for Evidence June 2024: Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in Northern Ireland May 2024: Scotland – Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt March 2024: Scotland’s Circular Economy and Waste – A Route Map to 2030 March 2024: Defra Consultation & Call for Evidence on reforming the producer responsibility system for [household] waste electrical and electronic equipment. October 2023: Defra Consultation on the draft Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations- 2024 September 2023: Consultation on the contents of the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill February 2023: Consultation on the Separate Collection of Waste Materials for Recycling: A Code of Practice for Wales November 2022: Ireland Single Use Cup Levy consultation September 2022: Input and comment on the ‘Draft Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill’ September 2022: Wales – Proposal to end the sale of energy drinks to children under 16 August 2022: Scotland Circular Economy consultations April 2022: Mandatory Calorie Labelling April 2022: Scotland Single-Use Containers December 2019: Irish Environment Fund Consultation November 2019: Ireland: Single Use Disposable Cup Levy August 2018: DHSC: Energy Drinks Consultation March 2018: HM Treasury Cash And Digital Payments – AVA Response Defra Single Use Plastics consultations Feb-22 Defra consultation: consistency in household and business recycling in england – June 2021 Defra consultations: deposit return scheme and extended producer responsibility Consultation: introducing market restrictions on single-use plastic items in scotland Draft ecodesign and energy labelling regulations Welsh government consultation: reducing single use plastics Zero waste scotland – deposit return scheme – AVA response Deposit return scheme for scotland Developing scotland’s circular economy Wales circular economy strategy Wales: beyond recycling consultation Audit information Census AGM minutes The Modern Slavery Act 2015 Use the links below to download information on The Modern Slavery Act 2015.Download Now:The Modern Slavery Act 2015 – ExplanationThe Modern Slavery Act 2015 – Be prepared